We recommend a single-hitter over dugouts, as they are very simple to use, they will help store the pipes and herbs, and make life much easier. One-hitters, whether chillum or dugout, generally use crushed cannabis, which is why it is easier to pack a single-hitter, and the herbs will not get lost in the smoking process.
Dugouts with a single-hitter are heavier than the individual pieces, but the idea is that you will cinch the end of your bowl up around the herb, thus packing and stashing more cleanly. If using a single-piece one-hitter, carefully press down on the bowl end of your pipe in high-quality weed, making sure you are twisting when applying sufficient pressure to pack it up tighter. Whatever method you are using, continue pressing and twisting gently until you can see that weed has filled to the bowl end of the pipe.
When you are ready for a smoke, slit the tip of the dugout pipe into the herb, twisting it over the bowl, then light up to get a quick hit. Now comes the best part, packing up your dugout compartment with your finely ground weed. Now that you have ground the herb, it is time to really get the dugout ready.
Now, grab a funnel-like tool for channeling the herbs to the trough to be used. Now moderately use a hitch-hose to suck your herb into the loading area for herb.
Remove a single-hitter pipe from your hopper box, then press it down into the side of your herb rack with gentle pressure. Traditional dugouts feature a twist-top, which exposes a single-hitter pipe and the herbs storage area.
You will want to stuff the storage space full with herbs before traveling with your dugout, since the whole point of the dugout is to make on-the-go smoking simple, convenient, and discreet. Your herbs do not have to be tightly packed, otherwise, you are going to have trouble continuing smoking. You can poke your herbs down gently with your One Hitter Pipe in your herb storage area, but be sure that they are not too tightly packed.
Do not pack the jars tight — it will make your herbs really difficult to remove, and it will eventually make it a huge cake of dust. Do not pack your pipes too tightly – This will result in more resin building up over time, as well as reduced airflow, making smoking sometimes impossible. Since your rig is packed and loaded, utilize your One-Hitters efficiently so you can have a better smoking experience. First, take the one-hitter out of its packaging, and using something like a credit card or something like that, fill up your dugout compartment thoroughly, not pushing it down too far, because squeezing it in too far will cause it not to burn as efficiently.
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